
Tree Hazards After a Storm? Here’s What To Do

Going into this last week, Denver and the Metro Area were below normal in precipitation for the month, the season and the year. Over the past weekend a strong storm arrived and put a significant dent in the property landscape deficits.  Consequently, properties suffered fallen trees, broken fences, and damaged concrete.

The initial reaction of a property owner after a storm of this magnitude is generally along the lines of “let’s get this mess cleaned up.”

While removing fallen trees is necessary for safety and should be addressed immediately (!), your standing trees likely have other damages that need to be addressed as well. What at first glance may look like mortal wounds are not necessarily fatal to a tree. If the tree is healthy, not presenting a hazard, and has not suffered major structural damage, it will recover.

Before writing off a damaged tree as a goner, first, evaluate the damage carefully with the help of one of our ISA Certified arborists at Denver Commercial Property Services. We can help you not only “clean up the mess” but repair the surrounding environment (damaged concrete, fences, etc.,) and potentially save the tree itself! Save yourself the headache of multiple vendors or even lack of expertise and call DCPS for your one-stop in repairing these damages with experts and crews on each side of the disaster!

What We Look For:

1. Are major limbs broken?

If most of the main branches are intact, the tree will have a high chance of surviving.

2. What does the tree’s crown look like?

If over 50% of the branches and leaves are intact, your tree should be able to produce enough foliage to nourish the tree through another season.

3. How big are the wounds where branches or bark have been broken or damaged?

A 2- to 3-inch wound on a 12-inch diameter limb will seal over with new bark within a couple of years.


Making the Right Decision:

1. Save the tree

If damage is relatively slight, our professional team will prune any broken branches, repair torn bark or rough edges around wounds, and let the tree begin the process of wound repair.

2. Give it Time to Recover

Time is our friend. If a valuable tree appears to be a borderline case, we recommend that you resist the temptation to simply cut the tree down.  Instead, we will carefully prune the broken branches back to the trunk.  Young trees can sustain more damage and still recover quickly.  Mature and healthy tree can also recover even when several major limbs are damaged with proper pruning and branch removal.  We will then monitor the tree’s health in the upcoming season.

3. Say Farewell

If a tree is already weak from disease, the trunk is split, or 50% of the crown is damaged, we will recommend and complete the removal for you.


Contact the Professionals

Contact DCPS by calling 720-575-3277 today so we can help with any damage you have to your trees, fencing, or concrete! We’re here to help.