

The Future of Cleaning: Robotic Cleaning Machines

The commercial cleaning industry faces challenges with labor shortages, increased client requirements, rising labor costs, and limited skill sets that result in inconsistencies.  Tackling these challenges may seem like an extremely daunting task. However, we now have a new tool to assist with the challenge- the deployment of automated technology.

Automated Cleaning Machinery

Introducing automated technology such as robotic floor scrubbers and carpet sweepers can help alleviate some of these challenges. Robotic machines can provide productivity improvements over the manual approach when used in conjunction with a well-trained labor force.  They can also help with visibility into key performance metrics, creating cleaner and healthier spaces for everyone. Automated machinery can help us bridge the gap between the physical and digital by bringing performance management and analytics to real-world tasks.

How it Works

Robotic machines all work under the same principle: to take on repetitive tasks while our team members are free to focus on value-added activities that increase productivity. It’s important to note that these machines are not meant to replace the work of humans but rather augment it. They are intended to work next to each other to bring cleaning to its highest potential.

Once everything is set up, and the robotic cleaning machine has begun its work we can evaluate the reports it provides to get an insight into the data. This allows for cleaning program changes to achieve the desired KPIs for facilities.

At Denver Commercial Property Services, our team can drive value through efficiency, consistency, and innovation by supplementing our existing workforce through automated robotic cleaning machinery. Additionally, there is also the added benefit that proven performance data will help elevate and standardize the health and cleanliness of all the properties we serve. Contact us today at 303-804-9724 or email us for your next commercial cleaning project.